Monday, June 11, 2007

Cayden fell down

My poor cayden fell down from his pram yesterday. We went boon lay for Zhi Char to celebrate father's day with my dad. As the table is too small, we decided to change to another bigger table which is right behind at the coffeeshop. There is a small step before we reach the table. Cayden was sitting inside his pram waiting for milk to be serve. My husband didnt aware that he didnt belt him, and he lift the pram up & down the step. I could see Cayden roll down from the pram and touches the rough ground. I was too slow to catch him and quickly carry him into my arms. My heart sank when he cried out loudly. I pat him and not long he stopped. That was his reaction after the fall. Luckily there was no injuries. I fed him his milk and soon he fell asleep. I didnt scold my husband, just asked him why he didnt belt him. I guess he had forgotten and he turn back to remind me to belt him next time as I tends to ignored belting him. I guess is our mistake and overlooked sometimes so we must learn from our mistake and never did the same thing again.

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